Fashion Apps That Make Shopping and Dressing Well Easy

Only our parents remember how hard it was to buy anything earlier. There was absolutely nothing on the shelves, and even if there was, you had to stand in incredible lines for this rarity. Today the shelves in stores are bursting with abundance, but it has brought its own difficulties – now it has become incredibly difficult to choose the best and not to overpay. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue, which will help make shopping incredibly enjoyable and economical. Today I’m going to tell you about the best Fashion Apps!


The application “Yandex. Market” can rightly be called one of the most popular in the Russian market! The thing is that it not only creates a database of goods where you can find reviews and compare prices but also places where you can buy them. The application has a function with which you can scan the barcode or QR-code of the product you like and find out where you can buy it at a minimum price.


Are you a true shopaholic and have a million “gold cards” at all the chain stores? To avoid clogging up your wallet with them, download PINbonus – on it you can save barcodes or card numbers and simply show your phone screen at the checkout.


The ZenMall app contains the best deals from all the online stores. You no longer need to browse hundreds of sites to find the best deal. You can also shop in the app, and if you want to save something for later, you can add it to the Wish List and even share it on social networks.

“Wizee Shopping”

If you do prefer to go shopping yourself, be sure to arm yourself with this app. “Wizee Shopping” helps you navigate perfectly in any mall, which sometimes resembles a whole city. It works in many countries around the world.


It happens that we want to give our loved ones clothes or shoes, but we are afraid to make a mistake about the size. If you download Sizer, you can write down their sizes and you will never have trouble with choosing presents again.


The Stylect app helps you find the perfect pair of shoes from top brands. It tracks your preferences and can use them to find the best deals for you. It also keeps track of discounts.

Keep Shopping

The Keep Shopping app will help you collect shopping ideas and inspire unusual gifts for your friends. Its trick is that, unlike Pinterest or other sites where you don’t always see the brand or store name, where you get a link to the store where the thing you like is on sale. Also, you can find here food or just order in another app such as Here you can find the whole menu and its benefits.

Mobile Shopping Is No Longer Just Online

Mobile apps have a major advantage: they have access to smartphone functions and thus enhance the shopping experience. For example, if a customer gives the app access to his camera or his location via his smartphone, he can use image-based product searches, augmented reality (AR) functions, or special offers based on his location.

For example, in the app of the French cosmetics chain Sephora, users can “apply” lipstick using AR and thus immediately see which color suits them best, and then find out about the availability of interesting brand products at the nearest point of sale according to their location. In this way, mobile apps are increasingly blurring the lines between online and offline shopping. If we talk about mobile web versions of online stores, there are such options that can be integrated only partially and with much more effort.

More And More Users Are Shopping Through Instagram

Since June 2018, Instagram offers brands and retailers who present their products on the social network so-called Shoppable Organic Posts. If a user is interested in one of the products, clicking on the post will take them to the corresponding store page. Links on Instagram give a particularly high conversion rate, as they conveniently take the user to the desired object of purchase. The number of users interacting with Shoppable posts each month has already reached 90 million. Now users clicking on such a shoppable post are redirected to the brand’s mobile app. Instagram is also already testing the Checkout on the Instagram feature under a photo in the brand’s account. Instagram has already connected 23 brands to the service, including Prada, Burberry, Uniqlo, MAC cosmetics, and Adidas.

Once a user points to a brand’s photo, they are given the option to choose a product size or color and will be taken to a payment page – also without leaving Instagram. This allows the social network to keep the customer on its own platform until the purchase. In doing so, the retailer loses direct contact with the customer and the ability to get their data. To avoid this situation, retailers should offer mobile app followers the opportunity to buy in their own native apps and promote them as a direct sales channel.     

User Data Improves the Quality of Offers

It’s still unclear how cookies can improve the customer experience in the future. And while they clearly help brands stay in touch with customers and make relevant offers, creating a positive customer experience, more and more mobile browsers are blocking any data collected in the online store. But blocking does not apply to native apps, and the brands and retailers always have the opportunity to offer their users the most interesting products using a store ID. This is especially beneficial if online shoppers use more than one mobile device to make a purchase.

That’s It! But one thing is certain: If brands offer customers only one path to their products, they lose some online shoppers who are not satisfied with that path. Mobile shopping apps are not only a useful addition to the online store but also an effective channel for driving sales and increasing brand awareness. I hope you found this article useful and that you can easily use these apps!